Partnered with Sydney based company Cred Consulting in a compititive tender to develop a Youth Strategy for Tweed Shire in collaboration with Council. The strategy was recently recognised for 'planning excellence', taking out a major State award.
Involved in all aspects of the project including:
* Project Development, Branding and Design (web and print)
* Youth Services Consultations
* Youth Engagement (Workshops)
* Online Community Engagement
* Strategy Development
"The Youth Strategy is an exemplary document, worthy of PIA’s recognition, largely because it was produced using a wide-range of best practice participatory activities....Potentially, this is a powerful document that can be monitored over the years to validate changes that occur and its overall effectiveness in maintaining an active connection with the children and young people of Tweed Shire. While the product is excellent, the process of getting to it is especially worthy of replication."
(Linda Corkery & Kate Bishop, 'Envisioning Urban Futures with Children and Young People', State of Australian Cities Conference, 2015)